While it’s not uncommon to spend a lot of money on a home move, there are some ways to save money. A good way to reduce your moving expenses is by disassembling furniture pieces before the moving company comes. This method will allow you to save on the cost of transporting the items when you hire interstate movers in West Chester, PA.
If you’re planning on taking some of your expensive furniture pieces, this guide will help you get them disassembled safely and efficiently. It’s also designed to minimize the risk of damaging the furniture and its contents.
Before moving day, follow some of these tips for disassembling your furniture properly:
- Determine Which Pieces Should Be Moved
You may not be sure what to do with those large pieces of furniture. There are a lot of factors to consider when it comes to deciding on whether to move them or get rid of them. Although it’s possible to move some of your furniture pieces to the new home, it’s not ideal to do so if the weight will cause it to cost more to transport than replace.
Not only will it cost you money, but it will also take a lot of time and energy to move heavy furniture. In some cases, it saves you money by buying new furniture instead of hauling it across the country.
- Measure Doorways For Your Bulky Pieces
If the measurements indicate that some of the larger pieces will not fit through the openings along the path, you will need to disassemble them. Not all furniture pieces will need to be disassembled. In most cases, they should remain as they are and be properly assembled so they can be safely transported across the house.
- Gather Instruction Manuals
If you don’t have a hard copy of the manual, a quick web search can help you find them online. To find the exact documents that you need, contact the biggest furniture stores in your area. You may be thinking that you can easily follow the assembly instructions without having to consult an experienced furniture removal specialist. However, it is always better to be prepared to deal with the uncertainties involved in the removal of furniture items.
- Get Tools Ready
Get the tools needed to safely remove and replace your furniture pieces. Most furniture pieces have been assembled using the help of bolts, nuts, and screws. To remove these components, you’ll need a complete set of tools and screwdrivers. A small hammer can be used to gently break apart your furniture pieces.
- Take Notes and Prepare Ziplock Bags
When taking apart furniture, it is best to label your pieces and create a list of the order you took pieces apart. This will help you reassemble the pieces correctly. Before you start moving, make sure to prepare several sealable plastic bags to keep all the small components and parts of the furniture safe while they’re being disassembled.
During the assembly of furniture, make sure to place all of the screws, bolts, and other small fasteners into the appropriate bags. These bags should be labeled to prevent them from getting lost or misplaced. It can be a lot of work getting your furniture ready for moving day. If you want to hire reputable long-distance movers in Philadelphia, PA, give Louderback Moving Services a call today!