Top 10 Tips For Moving To College

Top 10 Tips For Moving To College

Moving to college can be an exciting time. You will experience many emotions, including fear and excitement about the big day. Help reduce anxiety by planning early for an organized and flawless move-in day.

Here are some of the top 10 tips for moving to college:

Tip #1: Start Packing Early

Get ready for moving day ahead to help eliminate the long list of last-minute things needing to be done. Prepare in advance by gathering all packing supplies and start packing items you do not need until you are moved and settled in your dorm or campus apartment. It’s recommended to start packing at least one month before move-in day on campus.

Tip #2: Pack According to Necessity

Pack items in order based on their necessity. For example, you want to pack things you must have at school, such as prescription medications, contact lenses/glasses, electronics, textbooks, bedding, and essential documents. Other items like food, makeup, clothing, and basic supplies can be purchased after you arrive and settle in.

Tip #3: Label Everything

Label everything as much as possible to keep yourself organized when packing, moving, and unpacking. Don’t forget to include your name on the box in case of a mix-up during move-in day confusion.

Tip #4: Pack Essentials Separately

Make a separate box or bag to place your essentials, including medications, contacts/glasses, and important documents. Keep these items close to you and in a place where you know their location at all times. Keep these items in the car with you while traveling to school.

Tip #5: Pack Cleaning Supplies

Dorm rooms are only sometimes the cleanest when you arrive on moving day. Pack cleaning supplies to clean your room before unpacking anything and bringing it into your room.

Tip #6: Pack Snacks and Beverages

Moving day can make you hungry as you burn off energy, and having snacks and water on hand can help keep you full of energy and prevent dehydration.

Tip #7: Verify Move-In Day Details

To avoid confusion and significant disruptions to your move-in day, verify your move-in day details multiple times to ensure nothing has changed, and you have all the necessary information. If you use Main Line movers, such as Louderback Moving Services, you will want to double-check reservation details with them.

Tip #8: Reach Out to Your Roommates

If you are moving into a dorm or apartment with a roommate, take a moment to get to know the roommate and start getting to know one another. The better you know each other, the more comfortable you will be on move-in day when you meet face-to-face.

Tip #9: Order Items for Pick-Up

For more oversized items, find a retailer to place an online order for pickup after you arrive at campus. Some things to order for pick-up may include toiletries, a mini-fridge, a water filter, bedding, a rug, and anything else you need to buy. Ordering items versus buying at home and packing them helps save room in the moving truck or vehicle.

Tip #10: Be Prepared

On move-in day, make plans to arrive early for check-in and have your personal information, including your photo ID, ready. Being prepared will help get you checked in and to your room fast, so you can start settling in.

Preparing early for college move-in day is one of the best ways to reduce stress while heading to college. It also ensures you have everything you need. Hopefully, these tips help you better prepare for the big day, and if you need additional moving assistance, contact Louderback Moving Services, one of the best long-distance moving companies in Bethlehem, PA.


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